Bandelier Wilderness: Frijoles Loop (Wilderness Challenge)

Hike Leader: Olivia L

Hike Date: November 11, 2020 and April 17, 2021

Hike Distance: 13-14 miles

Elevation Gain: 1800-2000 feet

This hike was led by our own Olivia Li, a frequent visitor of the Bandelier National Monument, and consequently this unique wilderness. The Bandelier Wilderness possesses incredibly valuable resources on both the visual and archaeological fronts, and this hike (while passing by some of the more popular archaeological sites) focuses more on the scenic fronts.

Bandelier Wilderness was established in 1976 and occupied about 70% of the Bandelier National Monument. Mountain Club members hiked this loop on Veteran’s day in 2020 and in mid-April on the first day of National Park week in 2021. Pictures with sunny weather and blue sky were from November of 2020.

Pictures with snowy weather and cloudy sky were from April of 2021. We started from Cottonwood picnic area by the Visitor center and took the Long trail to the Frijoles Rim. We could see the expansive view of the main loop with cliff dwellings and ruins on our right.

Once on the top of the rim, we entered the Bandelier Wilderness here. Following the clear signs at the junction and well-established trails, we hike 6-7 miles and enjoyed the mountain views of the Pajarito Plateau before descending on steep trail into the canyon.

On November 2020 trip, we found pottery sherds a short distance from the trail. Lois spotted a deer.

On our April 2021 trip, snow carpeted the trail and the surrounding hills.

As we hiked down the steep slope to the canyon bottom, we passed this nice rock work in a drainage:

We arrived near upper crossing of Frijoles creek and followed this winding waterway all the way to the end. This trail has just been rebuilt after the Conchas fire and subsequent flooding and is now in great condition.

We took the time to enjoy the incredible rock formations. Tiny Rito de los Frijoles carved the walls through more than 300 feet of soft volcanic tuff in places. There must be more than 20 creek crossings.

Lunch at creek side near Upper Crossing was wonderful in November of 2020.

The Narrows are as gorgeous as ever with soaring cliffs and lively flowing water.

Tent rocks provided delightful surprise for hikers.

In the spring hike in 2021, we enjoyed the wildflowers covered partially in snow and on the canyon bottom.

During both hikes we hardly saw any hikers on the rim and in the canyon. As we passed the Ceremonial Cave ladders and the main trails there were more mask wearing people walking on the path.

The trail mileage came down to 13-14 miles, 1800-2000 feet elevation gains depending on the types of the GPS used. This loop is well worth the visit especially for the picturesque Frijoles Canyon. The trail is clearly defined with signpost at the junction. The elevation gain is gradual. Both the new and seasoned hikers all enjoyed this hike!

November 2020 trip hikers: Gustaff, CK, Tanja, Lois

April 2021 trip hikers: Michael, Helen, Dru, Tanja